Saturday, April 16, 2011

Art Gallery 2

Pablo Picasso- Nymphs and Satyrs- 1964- 14 Glass figures 2of 3
This art work was set up in a rectangle room with white walls and all the art work was created by Picasso. The art work on the walls had thick frames, thin frames, and this specific one was in a glass case set up against the wall with a whit shelf. Next to each work of art there was a square with the title, artist, date, and some other additional information. The room was set up so that that the center was empty allowing the viewers to walk freely around. All the pieces were similar in the aspect of they were all created by Picasso but they were also different because they were not all the same media.
The elements of art that are present are: Shape because each one is not the same they are all made to be a visual representation of what it should look like, Mass because they take on a 3-Dimensional form, Color because they are all made entirely of shades of blue, and Pattern because they are all the same when it comes to color and style. The Principles of Design elements that are present are: Unity because they all flow together, Scale because they are all of smaller size to what we would normally see, and Rhythm because this art work is repetition.

Arshile Gorky- The Liver is The Cock's Comb- 1944- Oil on Canvas.
This work of art was set up where they was other art work on the walls as well as some that were set up in the walk way area. The art work that was on the walls had no frames, thin frames, and thick frames. The art that was not on the walls had a defined area for that work of art and the viewers were not suppose to enter that space. They were all different because they were created by different artists and they were of different media. The information was on a square with the artist, title, media, and year. The one that were not on the wall and a section set off with a stand where the viewer could find all the information about the piece and who created it.
The Elements of art that are present are: Color because this artist uses many different shades with contrasting colors. Lines and Shape because the artist created clear shapes and others that are left incomplete for the viewer to complete, also there are thick and thin lines. Motion because looking at this the viewer gets the sense that this art work is in motion. The Principles of Design that are present are Variety because everything about this piece provides the viewer with a lot of difference which is visually pleasing, Subordination Because the back ground is made less appealing as the center for the viewers eyes.

James Rosenquest- Nomad- 1963- Oil on Canvas, Plastic and Wood.
This art work was set up in a very well light area and there was art work on the walls, on the floor, and Installation art. They were all different because they were from different artists and they all were created to have a different view point to the viewer. The information for each work of art was either on the wall next to the art or it was set up on a stand near the art work so the viewer could see it. The room area was set up so the there was dividers between some of the art while others were only a few steps away allowing the viewer to chance focus and compare artist with really have to walk far.
The Elements of art that are present are Line because the viewer can clearly see think lines, thin lines, and undefined lines. Color because there is a variety of different colors and shades present, Shape because some are noticeable while others are not and the viewer has to complete them, Mass because of the wood and plastic that are on the floor give the art a 3dimensional look, and Motion because certain aspects create movement such as the grass and the wood on the floor. The Principles of Design that are present are Variety because all of the things that are going on allow the viewer to many things that interest the eye, Scale and Proportion because the items created are larger than normal size items and some are larger than the item next to it.

Over all I liked this art work visit more because I was not focused on finding a certain amount of art work that met the areas I was looking for. This one allowed me to really look at the art and enjoy it and it's surroundings. 

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