Friday, January 28, 2011

AED and my thoughts

I'm not sure about anyone else but I know for me when I'm asked to do something that i have never done before i get nervous. So with our assignment to set up Gmail and Blogger I was unsure of how it all was going to go. To my surprise it went smooth i had no problem setting up my new email or even creating my blog account. My only negative thought about this is "great now I have one more thing to check every day and another password not to forget. After doing some research about blogs I actually think this is going to be fun and I am already starting to think of creative things to add.

Through this class i want to explore and learn about different artist and their works, I want to become familiar with art galleries, I am also looking forward to exploring and creating with many different types of art materials.

As far as taking online courses I am a fan of them! They can be demanding at times but i love the freedom that they offer. I like the fact that there is no set time of the day you have to be online, I can log on at 7am and get my work done or i can log on at 10pm and get my work done. One thing I have noticed about online classes is that you have to be organized if your not you will get a bad grade.