Saturday, March 26, 2011

Exploring Line

Left Hand Dominant

At first I didn't think this project was going to be hard but I quickly realized after I started that it's a lot harder than I thought. I liked creating the pictures of my hands and I actually made several drawings because I did one set without all the lines and creases and then created another set with them. I never realized how much detail is actually in a hand. I used pencil because I thought it would be easier to create light and dark lines within the drawings. At first drawing with my right hand felt a little strange but I got use it because a few things that I do I can use either hand. I'm happy with the way both drawings came out I was surprised by how good my drawing came out with my non-dominant hand. Looking at both drawings I can see that the details with the lines are stronger when I was using my dominant hand as compared to using my non-dominant hand. I will continue creating drawings with my right hand because I feel if I continue to practice this I will feel comfortable creating drawings with my non-dominant hand.  

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